
Cranberry Sauce with Port Wine and Cinnamon

Howdy folks! I already talked about port wine and some sauce variations that can be made with it. If you already have tried to make a delicious food sauce with the port you know what I am talking about. This recipe, however, will be a bit different. We won’t make a sauce that will pair perfectly with the veal or pork. Instead, we will make a sweet sauce that goes well with biscuits and cakes. Let’s get down to business. It’s time to make cranberry sauce with port wine and cinnamon.

Port Wine Sauce with Cranberry and Cinnamon – Ingredients

Of course, first, we need to check which ingredients we need for this sweet sauce. The amounts listed below should be enough to fill 2-3 ice cream cups. In case you need more, you can add ingredients based on your needs.

  • 7oz of port wine
  • 2 or 3 cinnamon sticks ( you can use cinnamon powder as well, but there is a high chance that you will get paste instead of sauce so I prefer sticks )
  • 12oz pack of cranberries ( preferably fresh )
  • 6oz of dried cranberries
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1/4 cup of sugar ( you can use stevia or coconut sugar as alternatives )

Now it’s time to see how are we gonna combine these to get our tasty delight.


Step 1:

Grab a medium-sized pot, or even better, a saucepan. Pour the wine and throw the cinnamon inside. Let the mixture boil and keep it on the medium fire for 5 to 6 minutes.

Step 2:

Add dry cranberries first and let them soften up in the mixture. When they are soft enough add water, fresh cranberries, and the sweetener of your choice. Stir the mixture for 25 to 30 minutes. You’ll know that sauce is done once it’s thick and dark in color. Just make sure that the sauce doesn’t boil for too long. Otherwise, all the cranberries will dissolve.

Step 3:

Pour the sauce into a bowl and remove the cinnamon sticks. Let it cool in the refrigerator before serving. Feel free to eat out of a cup once it’s cooled down, or serve with your favorite biscuit.

Tips for Cranberry Sauce with Port Wine and Cinnamon

Tip #1 – Cranberry Sauce from the Can

You can use cranberry sauce from the can. The procedure is the same. But canned cranberries might be more convenient for you if you are not able to get fresh ones.

Tip #2 – Cinnamon and Wine Sweetness to Reduce Bitterness

If you ever tasted cranberry sauce without anything added to it, you probably noticed that it is quite bitter. That is why cinnamon and sweet port wine are excellent choices to reduce that bitterness.

Tip #3 – Play with Wine Tastes

Not every wine will taste the same. Play around and find the wine that satisfies your taste.


And that’s all there is to it! This is a quick, tasty, and cheap sauce that will satisfy your cravings for sweetness. Try it out and let me know if you like it in the comments.

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